Friday, September 21, 2012

 A cry, fresh and utterly dependent breaks the silence... a new life is born. There is something about a newborns cry that is unlike any other. It represents weakness and frailty, and yet it also stands for all that she can grow to be. This little one you hold relies fully on you for everything. 

and trusting

I look at the fresh face of my little one; feel her own tiny body against mine; so easily crushed if not gently handled, so trusting, so reliant on me for all. She is just as I need her to be, that I might meet her needs. She is just as I should be, that my Heavenly Father might meet mine. How often do I forget? How many times do I try to carry my burdens? How quickly do I fail to realize HE has promised to meet my daily needs?

Oh, to become as a little child- dependently reliant on the Father moment by moment.