Monday, November 25, 2013

Warm cider, cozy sweaters, crisp leaves, and pumpkin pies. Nothing says 'give thanks' like the season that surrounds us. Each of these little reminders act to lift our spirits to the Giver, and reveal His heart. 

He brings joy in the smiles of my little ones, as they gather around and delight in the small pleasures of the season. We walked outside the other evening, and my two year-old gasped and exclaimed "Mommy, there's SPRINKLES on the car!". The snowflakes beginning to collect on the hood were glistening in the setting sun. 

He brings love in the hugs and kisses that flow freely from these darlings that call me Mommy. There is nothing that warms my heart more than one of them crawling up on my lap and entwining their arms around my neck. 

He brings peace through their sweet example of trust. Whatever the hurt, whatever the fear, they turn to the one person they know who can 'fix it all'. We can have that trust too. He delights in taking our broken, fearing hearts, and making beauty out of it all.

As my children remind me of these most precious of all gifts, I want to pass them back to them, and show them the joy, love and peace that are from above. They are understood, not through dictionaries and textbooks, but rather through faith and example. 

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